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1. The hormones that orchestrate safety and ease in birth are produced primarily in the _______________.
2. The hormone system is disturbed by bright lighting, conversation, and other environmental factors that stimulate the _______________.
3. In late pregnancy, _______________ increases the number of uterine oxytocin receptors and gap junctions, effectively priming the uterus for coordinated contractions during labor.
4. Increasing throughout a natural labor and peaking at the moment of birth, _______________ helps the laboring woman to transcend pain and enter the altered state of consciousness that characterizes a natural birth.
5. The Ferguson reflex occurs when the baby’s descending head stimulates stretch receptors in the lower vagina, giving positive feedback to the pituitary to release large quantities of _______________, which catalyzes the final powerful uterine contractions that help the mother to birth her baby quickly and easily.
6. After an undisturbed labor, when the moment of birth is imminent, the Ferguson reflex is amplified by a sudden increase in _______________ levels which activates the fetus ejection reflex.
7. _______________ is important to the baby as well, protecting from hypoxia and acidosis during labor and facilitating neonatal transition to extra-uterine life: enhancing respiratory adaptation, assisting in thermogenesis, and increasing responsiveness in the newborn.
8. After birth, ongoing high levels of _______________, augmented by more pulses released during baby’s first attempts at breastfeeding, help to keep the mother’s uterus contracted and protect her against postpartum hemorrhage.
9. Known as the mothering hormone, _______________ prepares a woman’s breasts for lactation and acts postnatally as the major hormone of milk synthesis and breastfeeding.
10. During breastfeeding, _______________ mediates the milk-ejection, or let-down, reflex and is released in pulses as the baby suckles.
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